Well, I got to play the following scenario:
Scenario 2:Set-up: Nothing unusual
Deployment: Dawn of War
Primary: Achieve more kill-points than your opponent
Secondary: Starting your turn 4 or one of your later turns (only needs to be one), have a scoring unit above 1/2 starting strength completely within 12" of your opponent's table edge. If your game does not go to 4 turns, Have a scoring unit above 1/2 starting strength with 12" on your opponents table edge at the end of the game.
Tertiary: Prevent your opponent from meeting the secondary objective
Space Wolves List was as follows (from memory and rough):
Rune Priest x 2
Grey Hunters x 2 in Rhino
Wolf Guard x5 in Drop Pod
Long Fangs x 5 + Wolf Guard with Dual Cyclones
Lone Wolf x 2
Tyranids List as follows:
Tyrant (2)
-BS & LW
-Old Adversary
-Armored Shell
Tyrant Guard (2) (one for each Tyrant)
Tervigon (2)
-AG & TS
-Cluster Spines
Termagants (10) x 2
Hive Guard (2) x 2
Yealers x 7
Space Wolf player wins roll off and decides to go first. Decides everything will simply walk on as he does not want his Rhinos to only have 1 of the Rune Priests.
Tyranids: Nids will walk on. In retrospect this may have been a mistake as it cost me the secondary and gave my opponent tertiary due to some bad run rolls for gaunts. However, had I deployed far up with a Tervigon or Termagants I may have not made it forcing the Long Fangs to walk on that side... something to think about I guess.
Turn 1:
Space Wolves: Walk in on my right side, right to left are Long Fangs behind some roots, Rhino with GHs and Rune Priest, Lone Wolf, Rhino with GHs and Rune Priest, Lone Wolf. Wolf Guard in drop pod deepstrike towards the center of the table but still on his side.
Tyranids: Walk on my right to left is Tgants, Hive Guard, Tyrant and Guard setup to give cover to everyone then a mirror image of that on the other side with the two Tervigons as far as I can put them from Rune Priests while still in range for FNP on the Tyrants. On this turn I am lucky enough to roll for night fighting and pop the Drop Pod and the second Rhino which contains the Priest with Jaws.
Me 2(4) Him 0 - Parenthesis is because his lone wolves are alive.
Turn 2:
Space Wolves: In the movement phase, does a little shuffle getting the Jaws Priest in the other Rhino after the Rhino has moved closer to the center of the board. Lone Wolves and GH squad move straight for my lines and run, the other rune priest stays behind for some living Lightning action. Wolf Guard move towards my lines and are almost here. In the shooting phase Living Lightning sees 1 Hive Guard dead and the other wounded (couldn't make my damned cover saves lol). One of my Tervigons Survives Jaws nothing else of note.
Tyranids: Shuffle back a bit to try to counter assault with Tyrants, move back Hive Guard and Gaunt Units to delay assault from the wolf guard and get closer to the Tervigon for AG and TS. In the shooting phase, the other Rhino bites it. Various saves are made by Wolf Guard, GHs.
Me 3(5) Him 0
Turn 3:
Space Wolves: In the movement phase, wolf guard get unlucky and move out of cover with a very low roll compromising their ability to assault. GHs are stuck behind them so choose to remain in cover but tactically move out to the edge of the cover. Lone Wolves make a bline for the middle combats about to erupt. The GHs in the open keep making a bline for my table edge (Secondary Objective). In the shooting phase, Jaws sees 1 Tervigon dead with 3 1's for the explotion against Tgants (whew) and Tyrant survive. Living Lightning sees nothing. Everything else that can run does so.
Tyranids: Reshuffle for counter attacks with Tyrants and Tgants in the middle of the table to get in range for Pyroxism. My right side is pretty much lost to me as there is nothing I can do to stop the onslaught coming from the GHs onto my lonely hive guard and termagants. I would have moved into position to assault with Hive Guard to try to pull away from my table edge but I would not be able to have a back up shooter to ID the rune priest in the center and would most likely die and give the opponent an extra D6" towards my lines. I should however have moved my Termagants and engaged to attempt to delay their arrival but being that it was Kill Points I didn't want to, going to have to clean up my act on that.
I generate 2 broods both of 10 with no doubles (I'm going to have to come up with a better counter to these assholes than generating more fucking kill points ugh). I already had 10. So, 30 Termagants move towards the wolf guard. Remaining Tervigon moves into position for Poison and Adrenal Glands, as do the Tyrants for Old Adversary. In the shooting phase Tyrants WS1/BS1 the Wolf Guard and the GHs (Major Failure on the Runic weapon and wolf tail talisman yay!). The Hive Guard team that is intact Insta Kills the Rune Priest in the center. With that out of the way the lone Hive Guard fails miserably at wounding the GH squad coming towards my edge.
In the combat phase after 60 attacks from Termagants with Reroll to hit needing 3's and wounding on 4's with rerolls due to poison the 4 wolf guard are left with making 12 saves each. I kill all but 1 (not a single 1 on 12 dice! Son of a bitch!). This combat being stuck has the potential to screw me pretty bad. Wolf Guard fails counter attack swings twice kills two gaunts and makes leadership for losing by 2.
Me 3(5) Him 1
Turn 4 (due to acting as if we were in the tourney time constraints will make this the last turn)
Space Wolves: In the movement phase The central GH unit moves out of cover ready to counter assault on the Termagants (they are still WS1/BS1). Lone Wolves finally make it to where they would be able to charge next turn even though there isn't one (perhaps baiting me into killing one since they were on my way). The bline GHs now have to contend with some rough terrain and BARELY get enough distance to be inside of my deployment zone. In the shooting phase Living Lightning sees nothing. In the combat phase the central GHs assault the 3 Termagant units. In the ensuing combat the 3 Termagant units are still up but with 5 or less models each and the wolf guard terminator still alive.
Yealers come out finally! I had picked the central piece of terrain. They pop on the edge the move through cover towards the GHs that just came out the previous turn ready to counter assault. One of the Tyrants is able to make it to that assault so he moves there. The other one is unable to blocked by the Lone Wolves. In the shooting phase the other tyrant and all the Hive guard shoot at the GHs to no avail. In the combat phase the Yealers choosing attacks as the morph since there are no further turns and the Tyrant make quick work of the GHs minus a powerfist guy between the power fist and the remaining wolf guard I lose a unit of gaunts. The powerfist guy ends up dying to no retreat.
Me 4(6) Him 2
So I was wining primary which is 10 points, he got secondary 7 and tertiary 3, a draw!!! I was just unable to get those termagants on the left to run fast enough!
P.S. I know this reads rushed I got to start taking more pics which will help with the details.
Welcome to the Random Meta: Warhammer 40k Tournament Results
Top 10th edition Warhammer 40k ITC army lists from the largest ITC
tournaments from the past weekend. Week 29 of the Pariah Season.
2 days ago
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