Thursday, December 9, 2010

Revamped 2500 Point list - Shooty

Ok, so I've revamped the 2500 list for the Dec 11th tournament.  While the first one I made was fun for me it was too objective based and didn't really take the vehicle spam meta into account very well.  Without delay here it is:

Hive Tyrant
-Tyrant Guard w/LW

Hive Tyrant
-Tyrant Guard w/LW

Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2
Yealers x 7

-Cluster Spines

-Cluster Spines
Termagants x 10
Termagants x 10

Stealers x 6
Stealers x 6

Harpy x 2

Tyrannofex x 2
-Rupture Can
-2+ Larvae

So the list has 6 36" guns two of which are Twin-Linked, 4 shots per unit of Hive Guard at 24 which are decent anti transport, some disruption for units like Longfangs/Devastators in Yealers/Stealers, and a couple of FNP givers as well as T6 Objective Holders and troop spawners for Objective missions (only one mission is objective based).  All in all I think this is list is not bad.  Including the stealers seems to bring up a lot of hate on the interwebz but I've been using them with great success, whether that is due to good use of them or them not being dealt with properly by my opponents does not really matter, they are performing very well.

I have considered dropping the guards from the tyrants to boost up other units maybe 2 x 3 Hive guard or broodlord for stealers but they are just way too fragile without the guard.  Also been thinking about switching the Tfexen for some Carnifexes with HVC and TL Devs.  They are cheaper and have anti infantry as well in the form of the Devs as well as actually being better in combat as well as handling drop pod dreads better in my rear lines...

Friday, December 3, 2010

2500 Nids for Mini Ard boyz

So, I have a tournament coming up (they are monthly at my LGS) on Dec 11. No comp, no paint, no sportsmanship, basically a miniature Ard boyz.

Here is the list I was planning to take.  Doing some reworks that I'll post later but would like your thoughts on this:

-2 Guard with whips

-Wings, Hive Commander, Old Adversary, 2 TL Devs

-Cluster, Catalyst, AG, TS

-Cluster, Catalyst, AG, TS

10 Termagants
10 Termagants
5 Stealers
5 Stealers

3 Hive Guard
2 Zoans + Pod

2 Trygon Primes + AG
1 Mawloc

Now, I know it looks like a "mess" but basically Swarmlord holds the centerline while Winged Tyrant, Zoans, Trygons, and Mawloc have the option to Deep Strike and disrupt enemy lines.  The list has a +2 to reserve so very good chance they all come in.  Stealers are there for the off chance that terrain supports a nice inflitrate otherwise outflank scare the opponent's deployment.  I actually use them conservatively as objective holders that need no synapse.
thoughts?  Questions?